Association of health care auditors and educators (ahcae) - link to homepage
Certification standards have been developed by the Association of Health Care Auditors and Educators and follow the same regulatory information utilized by the Office of Inspector General (OIG), Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), and the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA). Procedural coding guidelines and standards will follow the interpretation of the American Medical Association and Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services when applicable.
The Intensive Chart Auditing Practicum is designed to give a thorough overview of the auditing process from start to finish with a focus on essential elements
necessary for health care auditors to know. The overall course format will
assist those wanting to obtain their CHCA Certification with exam preparation.
The AHCAE is committed to raising the bar in health care auditing through it's national CHCA Certification Exam. The examination will be proctored by AHCAE staff or a designated member. Examinees will be tested on compliance and Regulatory Guideline Knowledge Scope and Statistical Sampling Methodologies - Medical Record Auditing Skills and Abstraction Ability Quality Assurance and Risk Analysis Communication of Results and Findings Examinees must be current and members in good standing with the AHCAE. Those who wish to take the exam without attending the Chart Auditing Practicum may contact the AHCAE office for qualifying application criteria.
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